GMAG Offers Free Consultation
A note from our GMAG partner Charlie Dolan:
A note from our GMAG partner Charlie Dolan:
On November 15, 2016 The SEC approved the CAT NMS Plan, which governs the creation and operation of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT). What is it? The CAT will be the largest comprehensive data repository for securities transactions to date, processing more than 58 billion records (10 terabytes of data) daily. The CAT will collect [...]
On Wednesday, April 6th GMAG proudly co-hosted a Pre-STANY (Securities Trades Association of New York) Annual Conference Event at Google’s New York City Office. This event was a panel discussion about the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) and it's impact on regulation and the financial industry. This discussion was moderated by Bob Pisani of CNBC and [...]
Google Cloud Platform and STANY are hosting a cocktail reception with a panel discussion the night prior to STANY's annual conference in New York. The panelists from top industry firms will discuss the impact of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) on the trading and financial services community. You'll also meet the top technologists from Google [...]
Global Markets Advisory Group (“GMAG”) is proud to announce that it will be serving in an advisory capacity to FIS working with their Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) bid team, led by Neil Palmer, CTO, FIS Advanced Technology. FIS is one of three shortlisted bidders. GMAG has been working with FIS since October 2015 and has [...]
What is the Consolidated Audit Trail? The SEC, FINRA and the exchanges currently rely on ad hoc aggregation of disparate sources of information to conduct market oversight, investigation and enforcement. The CAT will collect daily order and trade data for equities and options, across all trading venues, into a single database. Data will be submitted [...]
On March 1, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued its Order Granting Exemptions from Certain Provisions of Rule 613 Pursuant to Section 36(a)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exemption Order”). Click here to read the letter about CAT.